Drum Lessons Sydney Blog

What Makes A Good Drum Drum Teacher

I wanted to share some awesome feedback I've received from my private drum students, and it's all thanks to you guys! Without even asking, I've heard some really encouraging words.

More than a few times, I've been told, "I'm lucky to have found you," which always warms my heart. Even better, some students have said I'm not just a drum teacher to them, but a friend. It means a lot to me when they recommend me to their friends or show interest in supporting my band by buying our music or merch.

Even experienced local drummers who gig at pubs and parties have benefited from my lessons and keep coming back for more. I love helping them fill in the gaps from beginner to advanced levels and giving them exercises to practice. It's rewarding when they tell me how much it's improved their playing or fixed issues they were having in their bands.

It's been wonderful to hear a few say, "I'm quite surprised actually," not because of my drumming skills, but because of how I teach and how organised my methodology is. I guess my approach really resonates with them.

Some of my former students have even started teaching privately themselves and use copies of my books, the Pegada Drum Method, with their own students. It's amazing to hear that they enjoyed having me as their teacher. And I don't make it a secret - part of my abilities as a teacher is a combination of using Pegada Drum Method along with evidence based teaching strategies (listed on the same link).

I've had the privilege of teaching many students for over 5 years, and some are passing the 7-year mark in 2024. It's incredible to see their progress over the years.

On a side note, I also play some basic guitar and bass, which helps me teach the connection between drum beats and simple melodies.

To be honest, it feels a bit strange for me to write a post like this. After nearly 30 years of teaching drums, I'm still humbled by the positive feedback. I hope this doesn't come across as boasting; I just genuinely want to share how happy my students have been with their lessons and our connection.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me!

Claudio Reis
Drum Lessons Sydney's
founder, only drum tutor
and author of Pegada Drum Method
Pegada Drum Method
fundamentals to advanced
teacher and student
drum kit methodology